Kuza Money Market Fund (USD)

The Kuza Money Market Fund (USD) is designed for investors seeking to hedge against exchange rate volatility by investing in USD-denominated short-term securities.

Allowable securities
The fund invests in short-term USD-denominated interest-bearing securities which include:
1. Bank Call and Fixed deposits.
2. Treasury bills issued.
3. Short-Tern Treasury bonds.
4. Corporate bonds.
5. Commercial paper.
6. Collective Investment Schemes.

Why Invest in Kuza Money Market Fund (USD)
1. Preservation of capital.
2. Passive Income creation.
3. High Liquidity.
4. Hedge against local currency depreciation.

Minimum Investment
Minimum Initial Investment Amount – USD 100.
Minimum Top-up Amount – USD 50.

Management Fees
Annual Management Fee – 2.00%

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Kuza Asset Management